PLUMBLINE -- Editor, Wayne Coats

Vol. 6 No. 6,    January 2002

Casual - Sloppy - Speech And Dress

The first book I wrote was the result of a tremendous amount of time and effort expended in researching through the Bible and putting the work into a book which was titled, "Tell Us Plainly."

In studying the Bible and also "Tell Us Plainly," one can see the tremendous importance which the Holy Spirit has given to the matter of our words or speech.

Since the book was published some years ago, it seems there is an increasing need to amplify the importance of showing great concern for the words we use as preachers and teachers. Not only has there been a laxity in the speech of some preachers but a gross lack of attention is seen in the sloppy, usually called, "casual" dress of some of our brethren. It doesn't take much of a fool to discern what the casual crew is trying to do and the folks they are trying to impress.

In the Nashville newspaper each Saturday, there appears the call and becon of some religious groups, "come as you are" -- "casual dress welcomed." Some of my brethren are having a conniption fit to ape the sects in this matter. It is a true axiom that the clothes on a man's back mirrors what is in the heart. The preacher or Sunday school teacher may impress some of the young people with their loose, vulgar, careless dress, but a preacher's wife can be far more impressive, to some, by wearing a dress or skirt some six inches above the knees. I have always thought that our efforts should be such as would attract people up to God in every respect, rather than try to bring down the things which surround the people of God.

If our preachers and Sunday school teachers really want to get casual, then they can put rings in their ears, lips and tongues and be so very impressive to some of the younger set. A bone in the nose will get attention.

In Graduate School, I sat on the front row in the classroom with a woman who had a bone stuck through her nose. It just never did occur to me to stick a bone through my nose, but I suspect it would have impressed that woman if I had done so.

I strongly suggest that the brethren who are trying to impress our young people with their sloppy attire, should also stick bones through their noses. It should be no trouble to find enough bone pieces in the bone-heads to suffice for a lot of attention.

Then there is the matter of coarse, sloven, sloppy, careless, flippant speech which is designed to get attention. We know that, "...smooth words and fair speech deceives the heart of the simple" (Rom. 16:18). When there is a great emptiness inside the head, such will be exhibited outside the head. Simpletons aspire for the gratuities of the simple, who are grossly ignorant of the word of God.

Do you remember the sad and tragic story of Israel when their, "...children spake half in the speech of Ashdod and could not speak in the Jews language" (Neh. 12:24)? What a curse for becoming casual! Some wrong-headed babblers do not think that our words or speech is important. Hell-fire is no place for "cool verbiage," neither is the pulpit. Look up the passages with an honest heart. There are enticing words (I Cor. 2:4). These are akin to flattering words (I Thess. 2:5). Listen to the fellow who spends his time bragging on any thing, every body and whatsoever, if you can stomach such, but deliver me therefrom. There are vain, empty, useless words (Eph. 5:6). This fellow will utilize a chapter when a paragraph will suffice, but the more words he can fling the more he will impress some. The proud and bloated babbler will be sure to present his speech with "puffed up" words (I Cor. 4:19). The greatest claim to fame is seen in the speaker who excels in using "great swelling words of vanity" (II Peter 2:18).

King Solomon sought, "acceptable words to write the truth correctly" (Eccl. 12:10). King David prayed, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). The disciples of Jesus said, "Lord tell us plainly" (John 10:24).

--Wayne Coats, Editor

The Roaring Devil

I Peter 5:8

We must be aware of the wiles of the devil (Eph. 6:11). We cannot afford to be ignorant of his devices (II Cor. 2:11). Satan will blind the eyes of all who will submit to his schemes (II Cor. 4:4).

A few years ago the Gospel Advocate papers were put on microfilm, beginning with the first issue which was printed in 1855. It is so very interesting that a sort of introduction to the microfilm effort was written by Bob Hooper who is a Bishop of Rubel Shelly's church and also a History professor at Lipscomb University. When I read the Hooper blooper, I simply could not believe what I was seeing. Let the reader take note of what Hooper wrote when he scribbled, "In 1906, in response to liberal theology among Disciples of Christ, David Lipscomb led churches of Christ into a separate fellowship." There is such a concept as depraved, totally depraved and tetotally depraved. A man has to be tetotally depraved to try to leave the impression that brother Lipscomb led churches of Christ into a separate fellowship. Such is pure hogwash.

As we present the following series, the various articles will consist of small segments from the book titled, Perspectives on the Development of Liberalism in the Church of Christ. Among other thoughts, we will explode the Hooper myth with a barrage of quotations from solid, sound, brethren who were on the front line, in the middle of the fray, as Digression was opposed.

I do not comprehend why a few smatterers feel qualified to re-write history. Let the reader pay close attention to the pointers presented herein and do not hesitate to correct any fool notions if any which I might invent. As for the forthcoming book, we will advise our readers when it comes from the press.

I suppose several will realize and admit that there exists two separate religious bodies, generally known as the Independent Christian Church and the Christian Church - Disciples of Christ. Both of these groups resulted from modernism sneaking in.

It is the case that very few people who claim to be members of the church of Christ, know or care about how the aforementioned denominational groups came into existence. What were the factors which conceived and delivered the two digressive denominations? What forces gave expression to the years of Digression? Are those same concepts at work today? What is the basic problem underlying all the turmoil in the church today? Do I need to write a book delineating some of the venom which is being injected into the Bride of Christ, or should I, "let well enough alone?"

Trouble, heartache, turmoil and dissention is no new order within the church of Christ. The church at Corinth had its share of heretics. The inspired Paul attempted to correct the problems. It is sheer nonsense to prattle that the blunders within that church would serve as our pattern. It would be a worthy pattern to correct the blunders and errors with the congregations as the inspired Paul attempted to do.

The churches in Galatia had serious troubles and again the Holy Spirit set forth some principles which would correct the problems. It isn't smart to make snide remarks about which congregation should be our pattern? Perchance some fool modernist would quip, "Which page of the Bible will be our pattern." I do understand that Almighty God has endowed some folks with a mite of common sense.

To deny that the dark clouds of division overshadows the precious Bride of Christ is to demonstrate utter ignorance or dishonesty and probably a combination of both. The apostle was not telling a tale or presenting a legend when he told of a "falling away" (II Thess. 2:3). Men would not endure sound doctrine (II Tim. 4:3). A lot of ears would begin to itch (II Tim. 4:3).

The benighted system of Catholicism was developed when elders, "got too big for their britches," and when "pint-sized heads began to wear ten-gallon hats."

The apostate church was reeking with corruption but the power of the clergy was so great that very little opposition could be given. The Pope ruled with a rod of iron and fiery faggots. It was inevitable that in due time opposition would become more pronounced. It is correct to state that so much of the criticism and opposition was leveled against the corrupt and licentious clergy. The church of that time was the Catholic system. The Catholic church was supposedly the representative of all that was religious. As time moved along, opposition increased and some of the more outspoken critics equated the corrupt, carnal church with the work of God, the supernatural, and Deity. This being the case, the church, religion, and supernaturalism began to be scorned and scoffed at.

As the ruler of the darkness of this world (Eph. 6:12), the devil could reign supreme. He was in control of men and nations.

I heard a man say that there was no such period of time as the dark ages. I wondered what it would take to convince him that the medieval centuries were seething with the worst kind of darkness. The front runners among the present-day modernists would have us to believe that they hold the keys of knowledge and wisdom. One modernist burped, "Modernism stands for intelligence in the community." "Fundamentalism is an assault on intelligence." It is a sorry system which elevates liberalism above the religion of my Lord. Without question, liberalism is the cult of superficiality. The best any young liberal can do is squeak, "me too, me too." The liberal is most impressive when he sits in his university class room attempting to regurgitate what Herr Doctor Wiseacre means. He really stretches himself as he covers all those acres attended to by Doctor Wise.

It takes time for the devil to get his henchmen placed in the most strategic places. It is usually called, "THE UNIVERSITY."

The liberal element in today's church has not one crumb to offer which has not been soaked in the cesspools of skepticism, supposition, subjectivism, assertions and even atheism.

There is no justification whatsoever for liberalism to plague the church of Christ. Liberalism is bankrupt from start to finish. The polarization which existed many years ago is existent today with the same sort of devilish attitudes which result in destroying the Unity for which Jesus died.

The crooked, twisted, depraved pathway of brotherhood liberalism reaches backward into the labyrinth of old Rationalism propounded by false teachers for false teachers. The liberals like to call it, "contemporary," but a better term is "contemptible."

Parents tell me of sending their young people to "our universities," and they return with faith destroyed by liberal professors. The liberal is a pygmy who got saturated trying to live off of his bloated ego. Like a cocoon, the liberal stays inside his own spit until he can chew himself out into a safe environment.

Contemporary with the horrible French Revolution of 1789, the concept of Conservatism developed. The term was used in a political sense at first but it began to be used with a spiritual meaning as well.

Within the Catholic church there were those who became disgusted with the condition which bore down so heavily upon the masses. The criticism hurled against the church did not make the Pope very happy. Pope Pius V issued his, "Bull Pascendi," in which he condemned the "modern-isms" which some of the clergy were accepting. The thing which the Pope attempted to destroy was the acceptance of Rationalism by various members of the clergy. Two of the outspoken leaders who were contaminated with "modern-isms" were George Tyrell of England and Alfred Loisy of France.

These two men were excommunicated and refused a Christian burial. Modernism would not go away and the efforts to oppose it were not too effective. After it was too late to be of any serious threat, and also due to the fact the opposition arose from among the cults and sects, which cannot possibly meet the modernists, a convention was called where some guide lines were set forth. These were called, "The Five Points of Fundamentalism." Those points were:

1. The verbal inspiration of the Scriptures

2. The deity of Jesus

3. The virgin birth

4. The atonement

5. The resurrection

As a result of this convention and the five-points program, the adherents were labeled by the modernists, "The Fundamentalists."

The church which once was a mighty army standing steadfastly before the enemy, has become a splintered, soft, compromising, apologetic, cowardly, man pleasing, politicking, ecumenical, social-serving, modernistic, sociological movement - in so many places, and truly the glory of the Lord has departed.

Please brethren, wake up. (more to follow)

--Wayne Coats, Editor

The Bible Teaches We Are Saved

Or Justified By:

C. Gospel - I Corinthians 15:2

D. Hope - Romans 8:24

E. Mercy - Titus 3:5

F. Blood - Romans 5:9

G. Water - I Peter 3:20

H. Baptism - I Peter 3:21

I. Works - James 2:21-24

J. Obedience - I Peter 1:22; Romans 6:17-18;

Hebrews 5:8-9

K. Words - James 1:21; Acts 11:14


The above outline was handed out to the auditorium class on Wednesday night by brother John H. Brown, beloved preacher of the Center Chapel church of Christ in Wilson County, TN. Each of the bible verses were read and discussed to show that the Bible teaches several things by which we are saved.

The passages are not mere suggestions or incidental verbiage, but by these verses the Bible teaches we are not saved by grace alone. Brother Brown made this so clear that one would need help to misunderstand it. My appreciation, esteem and thanks to John H. Brown.

Suppose five young boys drove their cars to school and one said, "My wheels brought me to school," and another said, "My battery brought me to school," and a third said, "My gasoline brought me to school," and not to be outdone the fifth declares, "My motor oil brought me to school." Tis most unlikely that such a foolish bit of babble would only be heard in principle, by some egotistical fellow who tries to copy the Grace Only doctrine of the Calvinists.

True Worshippers

Pervie Nichols, deceased

Since human beings were created with the instinct to worship, it is natural for us to worship someone or something. Our worship may not always be acceptable to God, but we will worship, nevertheless. God tells us how to worship so as to be acceptable to Him.


"Worship," in the general sense, is homage, adoration, reverence and praise given to a higher being. It is based upon one's nature and need, and has been a permanent feature in God's service in all dispensations. The nature of worship and one's attitude as an acceptable worshipper have remained unchanged through all ages, but the specific acts have varied according to the law in force at the time. Since we are under the "law of Christ" (Gal. 6:2), our worship is the homage or adoration rendered to God according to the New Testament.

In its broadest sense and individual aspect, worship occurs when any act or thought or adoration springs from the heart. This includes private worship, when the individual Christian communes with God through fervent prayer, Bible reading and solemn meditation on spiritual things. It also embraces family worship, when the family engages in a period of Bible study, prayer and song, or any one of these acts.


Each Christian has the privilege of private worship every day. The ancients prayed three times each day, morning, noon and evening. David refers to this practice in Psalm 55. God is ready to speak words of life from the pages of His divine Book at any time. The only limit on opportunities for Bible study is the degree of interest in the reader's heart. The happy man's "delight is in the law of the Lord: and in his law doth he meditate day and night." Joshua said to the children of Israel: "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shall have good success" (Josh. 1:8). Jesus went aside often to some secluded spot to pray and think. Timothy was commanded to study: "Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine... Meditate upon these things..." (I Tim. 4:13-15). Question: Do you as a Christian commune with God each day through fervent prayer, Bible study and solemn meditation on spiritual values? It is regrettable that so many children of God have ceased to commune with Him in private!

Every Christian family may each day engage in a period of Bible study and prayer, and even the singing of songs. The entire family circle should make it a point to thus engage in family worship when possible. There is no place on earth where lessons of truth can be more effectively taught than in a Christian home. Do you have memories in your heart of a mother and father who gathered the family together each night to read the Bible and pray before being tucked into bed? If so, thank God that you had such parents. Whether you were blessed in this way or not, you should see to it that your children have these precious hours of family communion with Jehovah God.

Give your children memories of a praying, Bible reading, God-fearing mother and father. Paul speaks of such influence when he wrote to Timothy: "I thank God... When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that is in thee also" (II Tim. 1:5).


This has to do with the public assembly, when saints assemble in a given community to worship God and engage in singing, praying, studying and meditating upon God's word (Col. 3:16-17). These acts of worship are in order at any time Christians may assemble. But the Lord has designated a certain day of each week upon which Christians are to assemble and engage in the above acts of worship, plus two additional requirements: 1) eating the Lord's Supper and 2) giving of our income as prospered (Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-6; 11 Cor. 9:7). The designated day is not the Sabbath, which was a part of the law or Old Testament which ended at the cross (Eph. 2:12-20; Col. 2:12-16). There is no divine record of Christians assembling to worship on the Sabbath day. "The first day of the week," "the Lord's day," is the day Christians are authorized to assemble some time during that day and observe the five items of worship (Acts 20:7: Rev. 1:10). As authorized, the church in the first century assembled each first day of the week to worship (Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 11; 16:1-6).

More On Modern-isms

No person living can fathom the horrible conditions under which our forebears lived a few centuries ago. The god of this world had succeeded in his efforts to enlist the religious charlatans to serve him and any opposition could end up by having a rope to measure one's neck.

Those terrible times must have seemed like an eternity to the persecuted, oppressed, and helpless peons who would attempt to escape the burdens which were bearing down upon them so heavily.

After the passing of centuries, greater unrest and opposition developed. The many church councils which were called to address the problems attest to the fact that all was not well. "There were councils and councils, ad-infinitum-and still more councils to fight em." As long as the feudal system existed, the enemies of truth held sway, but feudalism eventually ran its course and a middle class began to emerge. Catholicism began to weaken as a result of the in-fighting among the popes. The papal chair was moved from Rome to Avignon in France, back to Rome, then back to Avignon and back to Rome. At one time there were rival popes with each claiming to be the one and only valid pope.

In 1450, Johannes Gutenberg developed the art of printing by the movable-type press. In just a short time, various materials began to be scattered far and wide, with much of it being harsh criticisms against religion which was equated with the corrupt church.

In Italy, the Renaissance which was known as the Enlightenment, or "clearing up," spread like a prairie fire on a windy day. Universities began to be established in Italy, Germany, Scotland and England. With the arrival of the Universities, the philosophy of Humanism with its critical spirit, pervaded the thinking of the professors who were relatively safe from the burning fires of the clergy. In fact, many of the clergy became humanistic professors. As time passed by, the rejection of supernaturalism, clericalism, and mysticism of the church was quite popular. A quaint expression became well-known.

The clergy did the praying

The nobility did the preying

The serfs did the paying.

During this new phase of the Enlightenment, reason was emphasized over faith. To the Humanists, faith was equated with the corrupt system of Catholicism. We must not forget this. The revolt was against witchcraft, magic, superstitions, fantasies and corruption.

One of the influential Humanists was Desiderus Erasmus. He was very learned for his time and at one time was offered the position of a Cardinal but he rejected the offer. Erasmus loved science and loathed the ignorant monks who were parasites, and of course the monks despised Erasmus.

With his writings in a very satiracal manner, Erasmus condemned the corrupt clergy system. That which Erasmus sought to oppose, such helpers as Lorenza Valla and Jacques LeFevre in France and John Reuchlin in Germany, were adding fuels to the fire.

Edward Herbert contributed his efforts to the destruction of the supernatural. To Herbert, anything which was above or beyond reason was without proof. Anything believed without proof was superstition and man should oppose such legends. The entire gamut of Revelational theology was ridiculed by Herbert and his deistic followers.

All kinds of bizzare ideas were set forth, usually as an effort to deny and or reject some facit of Catholicism. Baruch Spinoza set forth his views of Pantheism in which "all is god and god is all." As a team member along with so many others who denied any concept of Jehovah God, Spinoza managed to recruit his share of duped followers.

Such Rationalists as Leibnitz, Diderot, Wolff, Astruc, and Reimarus continued their attacks against religion and they were highly successful.

Paganism prevailed all over the world. Diderot wrote, "I would sacrifice my life perhaps, if I could annihilate forever the notion of God." Martin declared, "The French people was a generation which had no belief in Christianity." Another writer said, "Belief in the Christian miracles was as extinct as belief in Greek mythology." Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about "the universal discredit into which all religious belief fell at the end of the eighteenth century." Walpole declared, "The philosophies preach incessantly, and their avowed doctrine is atheism."

The church in Germany was too weak, worldly, and wanton to resist any effort to completely overthrow the concept of God. The University professors had all joined together to spread Rationalism. The gullible students were lapping up the dregs like starved puppies slurpping milk.

The work of Jean Astruc (1684-1766) was influential in destroying implicit faith in the Bible. Old Astruc was the personal physician of King Augustus III of Poland. As a physician, Astruc studied the skin diseases of the Old Testament Pentateuch. He assumed that the Pentateuch had been pieced together by several different writers. Amram and Levi were the authors of parts of the book of Exodus. Joseph supposedly wrote the material about himself. Levi probably wrote the stuff about Dinah.

Astruc was a great guessing fellow. He contended that some ignorant copyists arranged the Moses material into some sort of consecutive form. It is most interesting that Astruc published his material as coming from "a man learned and very zealous for religion."

Also, Astruc said his work "...would remove or clear up several difficulties which arise from reading the book (the Bible, w.c.) and with the weight of which commentators have always been burdened."

The great Astruc would write, "Free through the pathless haunts I roam, where mortal feet have never strayed."

When we write about the form critics and source theories in subsequent articles, we will be reminded of Astruc and his guess work.

Please, brethren, wake up!

--Wayne Coats, Editor


My attention was called to a letter received from the Madison Children's Home and Domestic Violence program. The opinion of my source of information relative to the letter was somewhat disgusting at the content of the letter. After having read the letter I too felt a bit of disgust.

The annual Christmas of Hope fund raising dinner will not be held this year at the Madison church. If I have any sense at all about matters, I am to believe that the dinner will not be held because of the September 11, 2001 bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. I cannot see to save my life what that dreadful day has to do with not having a benefit dinner at Madison. Maybe I am too dumb to reason correctly, but why write ten lines of a letter and deal with terror and security?

We know that some few hundred members have left the Madison congregation due to pushing in the very liberal innovations over the protests of good people who have been the backbone of the Madison church for years. The collections are very low compared to what they once were. The ridiculous debt hangs over the church like an albatross about the neck. We are presented a quotation from some contemporary book which read, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." This garbled quote is from the New International Version. I wonder if the beggar who wrote the letter realizes that the darling version of the liberal element has the church built upon Peter? See Matthew 16:18. Do the Madison folks want me to join them or the Catholics?

The NIV leaves out all of Mark 16:9-20. All of the older preachers in and around Madison were out of date as they quoted the great commission from Mark 16:15-16. We can look at James 1:27 but not Mark 16:15-16. Tell me why?

The confession of the eunuch in Acts 8:37 is left out of the denominational NIV. Romans chapter eight is shot full of Calvinism as much ado is made of the "sinful nature" of man. In Romans 10:10, the sectarian doctrine of salvation by faith and confession is taught. The NIV is filled with blunders but one more example will be given from Ephesians 5:19 where the reader is told to "...make music in your heart...." Who would object if the Madison "worship coordinator" decided to trade all of his blaring microphones for bugles, horns, clarinets and fiddles? Tis a strange book which cannot be followed except as one pleases.

But somebody at Madison wants churches to heap support on some women who have been abused. The verse given, if I recall, said something about "...widows in distress...." Are all of those abused women really distressed widows? If not, why quote James 1:27? Why try to pull out a passage which applies to "widows in their affliction" and apply it to abused women? Such is not handling aright the word of God.

It would do no harm to read I Timothy 5:3-16 many times over. I feel certain that the verses would be sneered at by some who think the church is a SOCIAL Gospel club. Every kind of fool notion which can be invented has been put into effect for suckers to support. Soup and soap is a sorry substitute for the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. This old world needs the Christ.

James 1:27 tells how to help widows in their affliction. The text says nothing about helping fighting and feuding women. Also, the text is silent relative to helping the girl scouts, the Ladies Auxiliary or the boys glee club. How much money can be given to the golf club?

In I Timothy 5, there are specific rules laid down which will regulate the kind of widows to be helped. If brethren can run rough-shod over the inspired truth set forth by Paul in the preceding passage, then every other passage can be dismissed. Why not?

It seems to me that somebody at Madison needs some sound teaching. The elder from Madison who reportedly said "Brother Coats needs to be straightened out" would do well to confine his efforts to straightening out a number of things at Madison.

--Wayne Coats, Editor

People, Places, Things

Yes sir! The preacher said, "you fellows can argue and speak on those controversial subjects, but I'm not sticking my neck out. I'm going to preach the things the brethren all agree with, and I'll still be preaching when you are out of a job." You can see that such charlatans look upon preaching as just a job. Preaching the gospel of Christ is not a petty profession as is so often the case. The solemnity of the matter is seen in the statement of the inspired apostle when he wrote, "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (II Tim. 4:2-4).


Some preachers like to toot their own horn, somewhat like the fellow who reported the results of a TEN DAY meeting. He said, "On the first day there were 30 present. The next day we had 60; and the audience doubled each day over the day before till the meeting ended." Figure the attendance! Then there was the inflated reacher who really enjoyed flattery. After one of his little sermonettes, a solemn old dude stopped and shook the preacher's hand for a good spell and remarked, "I enjoyed that little talk more than any I ever heard." The preacher's chest spread outward and he said, "Just what did you like most in my sermon?" The old codger replied, "Well parson, I hate all kinds of preaching. I don't like any kind and that talk today was the nearest to no preaching that I ever heard."


Preaching is the one work where some people will never be satisfied with the truth when faithfully proclaimed. The fault-finder will always see something to complain about.


Another Victory For Satan

I believe after studying the Bible for long decades with a strong desire to know the truth, determine what is sound doctrine, who are sound gospel preachers and be able to distinguish truth from error, I trust my brethren will not think of me as some sort of freak as I attempt to defend faithful brethren and sound congregations. Such can be costly.

One of the best friends I ever had was a great gospel preacher. He was dearly loved, appreciated and widely used by sound churches all over the nation. He worked so hard to build up the local congregation where he preached. He gave of his time and money, sacrificing at length to serve our blessed Lord.

A young man was invited to move in to help, assist, and preach when the regular preacher was away. You can pretty well guess the rest of the story.

The young divine began a covert, devious, devilish, underhanded, campaign to get the regular preacher kicked out. When the tide was at its right level, the young saint and his women recruits voted the faithful brother out. The good man did not believe in having a business meeting with billy-clubs and baseball bats which is the only way to get the attention of some hard-headed brethren.

Such as the above is happening all over the nation and people will burn in hell for such actions. The faithful preacher left the rabble-rousers to suffer their own fate. Such actions are disgraceful and looked upon by sensible people with total disgust. The devil gloats over such events.


They did not ask for my opinion about the matter. In fact, my opinion is worth zero at the various universities, until begging for money campaigns begin. According to the press report, the new Allen Arena has been opened on the Lipscomb campus with a worship service and a "dedication to God and His purposes."

The $16.5 million facility will be "used for sports and community events" as well as for chapel services. It seems to be a rather expensive place to bounce balls for God when this old world is headed for hell and destruction.


I have been to a lot of funerals in my life-time but without doubt one of the greatest moments of sorrow, sadness and grief has overwhelmed by poor miserable soul when I look at the dead corpse of the church of Christ.

Back yonder, Mike Cope informed us of "the dying gasp of the conservative church of Christ." Comes now one Richard T. Hughes who has written a book titled, "The Churches of Christ." The book consists of 368 pages and is priced at $85. As his Jubilee speeches, so is his book, the church of Christ is just another denomination. Hughes says exactly what all the liberals and Christian Church professors want him to say. "Hughes concludes that the battle over the Herald of Truth and other institutions that was waged in the 1950s marked the last gasp of the traditionalists." Why the liberal element can spew such venom and hatred toward conservative brethren seems pretty low-down to me. It would never hurt for those of us who write to present the truth.


I sincerely appreciate the corrections which are sent to me regarding the mistakes which appear in the Plumbline. Some words will be spelled incorrectly, wrong verses of scripture will occasionally slip in and there are no more infinitives in our area which I can split inasmuch as I have already split all of them. There are no participles dangling inasmuch as I have already dangled all of them. Anyway, tis helpful to be reminded that I am not perfect. I will press onward toward perfection with your assistance.